Five Planets Similar to The Earth

Five Planets Similar to The Earth

Earth one of the planets of the solar system.Earth is very unique planet because it has life on it. Life means human, animals, plants and micro organisms. Earth is our home planet. Earth has all the resources that we need. We depend upon all the things we get from Earth. Our planet offers us a habitable environment.

Earth is a unique planet due to habitat of life on it. Planets Similar to Earth share some of the characteristics with Earth.


Habitat on Earth

Oxygen for breathing, water for drinking and food to eat is available on Earth. But as time passes we are destroying our planet day by day. This is a thing to worry about. As now we are achieving new milestones in the term of Technology we are observing our universe more. New planets, new moons, new galaxies, new stars every day we find new things in our vast universe. But the thing is the universe we can see now is just a spoon of water from the ocean. We didn’t find a similar planet to earth which is near to our planet or we can go to the planet easily. There are eight planets in our solar system but none of them are habitable for us. Some of the moons of these planets are giving sign of life in the upcoming millions of years. But we are destroying our beautiful planet day by day by increasing the pollution, radioactive materials the life on earth will not be easy in the upcoming time so we need to find habitable planet very fast.

Other Planets with Life Possibility

Scientists have observed about 4000 planets for in the other Galaxies or in our galaxy which are light years away from our planet. Those planets are quite similar to our planet Earth. On those planets there are sign of water and the vegetation. Which means life might be possible on those planets. As technology is rising very fast but we are not yet on a point that we can travel the interstellar space. So going to those planets in a very less time is not possible yet but in the upcoming time it may be possible to go to those planets if we can achieve a speed near the speed of light it can take less time to get us to those planets.

Now we are going to discuss some of the planets which has been discovered in the interstellar space similar to Earth.



This planet was discovered by Elisa Quintana on 17th April 2014. It orbits around red dwarf Kepler star. It completes its one Orbit in approximately 130 days. It is about 500 light years away from Earth. As this planet looks habitable but its condition does not ensure. It seems habitable because its atmosphere cannot be observed properly and if there is any presence of carbon dioxide and nitrogen with some basic pressure and temperature which can be a little above then 273 k then it will provide good atmosphere for life. Water and nitrogen clouds can be seen in the atmosphere of this planet.


Kepler-452b (Earth 2.0)

kepler 452b earth 2.0

This planet is in the Cygnus constellation and is also known as cousin of Earth. It is one of the most similar planet to earth and is also known as Earth 2.0. It was discovered on 23rd July 2015. It is 1402 light years away from Earth Kepler 452 b is revolving around Kepler 452 star the fastest spacecraft we have will take 26 million years to take us to this planet from Earth. Its temperature is near to 262K. This planet takes 385 days to complete its one Orbit around its sun. Its radius is about 50% more than earth radius. This planet might be a rocky planet but it’s is atmosphere is unknown yet.


Gliese 667Cc Khalsa labs

Gliese-667Cc Orbit around a red dwarf star named Gliese-667C which is a member of tri-star system it is 23.62 light years away from Earth. It is in Scorpion constellation. Temperature of this planet is about 277k. This planet is quite interesting to search about because it does not revolve around its axis. So one of its face is always faced to the star and other one is covered with dark so the main termination line on which both the faces meet can be a habitable place. Because of that there might be a chance of liquid water. If there is any presence of the atmosphere then the heat it can be transferred to the other black side which makes it more habitable.


kepler 22 - kahlsa labs planets

Kepler-22b is exo planet in Cygnus constellation. It orbits around Kepler-22 star. It is 600 light-years away from Earth. It is the first transiting planet. Kepler-22b was discovered on 5 December 2011. Its might have liquid water spots on it. Its temperature is 262K. This temperature range has more range for the habitable conditions. Its orbital time period is of 290 days. Its radius is approximately twice the radius earth. There are chances of habitable place if green house effect is there due to the presence of atmosphere.



kepler 69c earth similar planet

Kepler-69c is a rocky planet. This planet was discovered on 18 April 2013. This planet also shows some identical properties to Earth. This planet revolves around a sun like star Kepler-69. It completes its orbit in approximately 242 days. Its radius is 1.7 times more that of Earth. Its surface temperature is near about 500K. This range of temperature makes this planet inhospitable. Because the water in oceans of this planet is vaporized into sky due to high temperature. Its surface pressure is also 100 times more than that of Earth.

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